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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hell or Heaven

‘The mind is its own place, and, in itself, can make heaven of Hell and a hell of Heaven.’—John Milton

Good and Evil are just human conceptual creations, not realities themselves. And I think Heaven and Hell relate to how one feels one's own relation to external world - until one realizes that there is no separation between what one calls oneself and external world. We may say symbolically that heaven is good deeds and hell is bad deeds.
One thing may be good in one place at another it may be bad. It’s all in the mind. And the one interesting question is if we have a choice between selecting heaven and hell as our place of living rather than just being swayed by the happiness and sadness that come our way. I think there is.
One more question, is it possible to live in heaven and still be sad, let's say of some mundane thing. Or to put it the other way round is it possible to be sad and still be in heaven? The whole concept of heaven or hell is purely relative.If you take all the living beings into consideration, each one will have own concept of heaven or hell. Also we know that there can be no place in this world where there is absolute joy/happiness or absolute sorrow. Because joy and sorrow are relative to time/space etc.
(e.g.)suppose a person is sentenced to death by the court, his family will be in deep sorrow, but the same will make the sufferer happy.

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